Published on
June 24, 2024

Best Ice Breakers for Meetings (+ Free Notion Template)

Maria Ledentsova
Digital Marketing Manager

Building great remote work culture is hard.

But good news is that you can take small steps every day to connect with your team. So, one thing we’ve implemented at Magic Design is doing an ice breaker at the beginning of every meeting.

But why? What options do you have? And what ice breaker questions could you ask your team?

Let's dive into it in this blog post:

What is an Ice Breaker?

Have you ever been in a meeting where everyone seems a bit stiff and quiet?

That’s where ice breakers come in. Ice breakers are super simple activities or questions designed to loosen up the atmosphere and encourage you and your team to get to know each other, and break the ice. They help get people talking, laughing, and feeling more comfortable with each other, too. Essentially, ice breakers for meetings are tools to break down barriers and build rapport among team members.

What’s the purpose of Ice Breakers?

So, why are ice breakers important?

Imagine starting a meeting where everyone’s a bit nervous and doesn't feel comfortable. An ice breaker can shift the mood, making it easier for everyone to contribute and collaborate. They’re especially crucial in virtual meetings, where the lack of physical presence can make interactions feel awkward. By using ice breakers for virtual meetings, you can create a sense of connection and engagement even when team members are miles apart.

Ice breakers for meetings aren't just about fun—they can create an environment where ideas flow freely. They help improve communication, build team cohesion, and can even spark creativity. Whether you’re looking to boost team morale, kickstart a brainstorming session, or simply make your meetings more enjoyable, incorporating ice breaker games or simple games to break the ice can make a big difference.

Types of Ice Breakers

Classic Ice Breakers

Classic ice breakers are tried-and-true methods perfect for getting everyone engaged and ready to participate.

Ice Breaker Types with Descriptions

Ice Breaker Type Description
Two Truths and a Lie Each person shares two true statements and one false statement about themselves. The group guesses which one is the lie.
Would You Rather? Participants choose between two options, prompting discussion and laughter.
Human Knot Team members stand in a circle, hold hands with people across from them, and try to untangle themselves without letting go.
Speed Networking Quick, timed introductions between participants to learn more about each other.
Quick Ice Breaker Questions A series of rapid-fire questions about preferences, hobbies, or fun facts to quickly get participants engaged and talking.

At Magic Design, our team answers a quick ice-breaker question at the start of every meeting. But every time we noticed that we scramble to come up with the next question :D

You’d be surprised, but it’s actually pretty time consuming to come up with good ice breakers time and time again. Hence we compiled a list of 220+ fun ice breakers for meetings that don’t suck. A database with 220+ questions to break the ice with your team.

You can copy the template into your own Notion and start connecting with your team 😍

Get it by clicking here or on the image below:

ice breakers for meetings notion template

Simple & Funny Games to Break the Ice

If you’re short on time, simple games to break the ice are your best bet.

They are quick, easy to set up, and require minimal preparation. A favorite of ours is "Quick Questions" where you ask participants a series of rapid-fire questions about their hobbies or fun facts. This is perfect for setting a positive tone right from the start. Just make sure to keep the questions light, and not too existential - you don't want to pry, but encourage a fun and friendly atmosphere.

Laughter is a great way to create a relaxed atmosphere. This is why also ice breakers like "Caption This," where participants write funny captions for random images or popular memes can be another option.

Ice Breakers for Different Settings

In-Person Ice Breakers

For face-to-face meetings, ice breakers can set the stage for a productive session.

  • Human Knot: This physical activity encourages teamwork and communication as participants work together to untangle themselves.
  • Two Truths and a Lie: Perfect for breaking the ice and getting to know each other.

Virtual Ice Breakers

With remote work becoming more common, ice breakers for virtual meetings are essential.

  • Virtual Scavenger Hunt: Participants find and show an item from their workspace that fits a specific category.
  • Virtual Coffee Break: Team members chat informally over a video call, mimicking the casual conversations of an in-person break.

5-Minute Ice Breakers

Short on time? No problem. 5-minute ice breakers are designed to be fast and effective. "Fast Introductions" is a great example, where each person has 30 seconds to introduce themselves and share one interesting fact.

Another option is "One-Word Pulse Check," where participants describe their current mood or thoughts in one word. These brief activities can quickly set a positive tone for the meeting.

Creative Meeting Ice Breaker Ideas

If you’re looking to spice things up, try some creative meeting ice breaker ideas. "Story Cubes" involves rolling dice with different images and creating a story based on the results. "Mind Mapping" is another creative exercise where participants collaboratively create a mind map on a specific topic. These activities encourage out-of-the-box thinking and can lead to some interesting discussions.

Conference Warm-Up Activities

Starting a conference on the right note can set the tone for the entire event. Conference warm-up activities like "Networking Bingo," where attendees find people who match certain criteria on a bingo card, can be a fun and interactive way to kick things off. Such activities help break down initial barriers and encourage networking from the start.

Asking Fun Ice Breaker Questions

Asking interesting ice breaking questions is another effective way to engage your team. These questions not only break the ice but also reveal unique insights about your team members.

So, here are 50 Ice Breaker questions you can ask your team:

  1. What's one thing that makes you happy outside of work?
  2. If you could have one wish granted, what would it be?
  3. What book or movie changed your life?
  4. Which superpower would you want, and how would you use it?
  5. What's an interesting thing you learned recently?
  6. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would you choose?
  7. How would your best friend introduce you to a new friend?
  8. What's one skill you wish you had?
  9. When was the last time you were bored?
  10. What's one of the top things on your bucket list?
  11. What's the most valuable piece of advice you've ever received?
  12. What's one thing you're proud of checking off your bucket list?
  13. What's been the best day of your life (so far)?
  14. Who do you consider the most inspirational person in your life?
  15. What would your teenage self think of the job you have now?
  16. What's the best memory you have of working with your team?
  17. What's something you learned today?
  18. If you could switch jobs with one person on your team, who would it be and why?
  19. What qualities do you value most in a team member?
  20. If your team could go anywhere on a team building retreat, where would you choose?
  21. If you could switch home offices with anyone on your team, who would it be?
  22. If you could shadow a team member for the day, who would you want to learn from?
  23. What's the best team building activity you've ever experienced?
  24. If your team entered the Olympics, what sport would you win a medal for?
  25. If you could have a completely different job, what would it be?
  26. According to you, what is the most boring movie ever made?
  27. What was your best class in school?
  28. What was the first way you made money?
  29. What did you want to be when you grew up?
  30. What is a current trend that you just don’t understand?
  31. What piece of advice would you share with your younger self?
  32. Beach or Mountains?
  33. What movie defined your generation?
  34. Which song were you often listening to in high school?
  35. If you had to move to another country, which one would you choose?
  36. Hotels, Airbnbs, or Hostels?
  37. Which of your teachers is most memorable and why?
  38. Imagine you no longer have to work. How would you spend a Tuesday?
  39. What is your go-to TV show to watch?
  40. What is your favorite mythical creature?
  41. What was the worst job you ever had?
  42. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
  43. What would it take to give up your smartphone for a month?
  44. What is the best dessert?
  45. Who is the most famous person you have met?
  46. What is your favorite musical instrument?
  47. Who is your favorite author?
  48. What is an easy item on your bucket list that you haven’t done yet?
  49. What was the last thing you ate?
  50. What's a country you can see yourself living in?

Looking for a longer list of questions to choose from?

We have compiled 220+ popular Ice Breaker questions in one convenient Notion template.

You can copy it to your Notion workspace for your next meeting. There you’ll find fun Questions to Ask Coworkers & generally Fun Icebreaker Questions for Work.

ice breakers for meetings notion template

Benefits of Getting a Notion Template for Your Ice Breakers

Using a Notion template for when you need a new ice breaker has lots of benefits.

Firstly, it saves you time — no more scrambling to come up with questions at the last minute. Secondly, it keeps you organized, allowing you to easily find and use the right questions for any meeting.

Thirdly, it ensures variety, so your team never gets bored with repetitive ice breakers. Our template also includes an easy way for you to keep track of which questions you’ve used and how effective they were.

Ice Breakers for Different Groups

Small Groups

When working with small groups, choose ice breakers that encourage interaction and help team members learn more about each other.

  • Storytelling: Each person adds a sentence to a developing story, to foster creativity and collaboration.
  • Personal Trivia: Everyone shares a unique fact about themselves, and others try to guess who the fact belongs to. You can use websites like "Slido" to put all questions and answers in there and make the team guess on their phones.

Large Groups

For larger groups, more structured activities can be effective, such as:

Networking Bingo

What is Networking Bingo?

Networking Bingo is a fun and interactive way to get people to mingle and start conversations at events. Each participant gets a bingo card filled with various criteria or traits. The goal is to find people who match these criteria and mark them off on the card.

How Does It Work?
  1. Prepare Bingo Cards: Create bingo cards with different criteria in each square. Examples: "Has visited three continents", "Can speak more than two languages", "Works in marketing".
  2. Distribute Cards: Hand out the bingo cards to participants as they arrive.
  3. Start Mingling: Encourage participants to walk around, introduce themselves, and ask questions to find people who match the criteria on their card.
  4. Mark Off Matches: When a participant finds someone who meets a criterion, they mark that square on their card.
  5. Get Bingo: The first person to complete a line (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) on their bingo card wins.
Why Use Networking Bingo?
  • Breaks the Ice: Helps people start conversations with strangers.
  • Encourages Interaction: Gets everyone involved and moving around.
  • Fun and Engaging: Adds a playful element to networking.

The Human Knot

What is the Human Knot?

The Human Knot is a classic team-building activity designed for large groups. It emphasizes teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.

How Does It Work?
  1. Form a Circle: Have participants stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder.
  2. Create the Knot: Everyone reaches their right hand into the circle and grabs the hand of someone across from them. Then, they do the same with their left hand, but they must grab a different person's hand.
  3. Untangle: The group must then work together to untangle themselves without letting go of each other's hands. This involves stepping over, ducking under, and turning around each other.
Why Use the Human Knot?
  • Encourages Teamwork: Participants must work together to solve the problem.
  • Enhances Communication: Success depends on clear and effective communication.
  • Builds Trust: Participants rely on each other to untangle the knot.

Tips for Effective Ice Breakers

To ensure your ice breakers are effective:

  • Be Inclusive: Choose activities that are accessible to everyone.
  • Be Relevant: Match the ice breaker to the meeting's purpose and participants' familiarity with each other.
  • Be Prepared: Have all materials ready and clear instructions to keep the activity running smoothly.


Ice breakers for meetings are essential tools for making sessions more engaging and productive. Whether you’re using quick ice breaker questions, fun icebreaker questions for work, or creative activities, the goal is to foster better communication and stronger connections within your team. Don't hesitate to experiment with different ice breakers to see what works best for your team. And if you’re ever in need of inspiration, check out our free Notion template with 220+ interesting ice breaker questions to keep your meetings dynamic and effective. Give it a try and watch your meetings transform!


What are fun ice breaker questions?

Fun ice breaker questions are those that prompt laughter and light-hearted conversation. Examples include "What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?" or "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?" These questions are designed to be entertaining and to get everyone talking.

What are some fun questions to ask coworkers?

Some fun questions to ask coworkers include "If you could switch lives with any celebrity for a day, who would it be?" or "What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you at work?" These questions help break the ice and build camaraderie among team members. You can get free access to a template with over 220+ ice-breaker questions here.

What is just 5 things icebreaker?

The "5 Things" icebreaker involves asking participants to name five things related to a specific category. For example, "Name 5 things you can't live without" or "Name 5 places you want to visit." It's a quick way to learn more about each other's interests and preferences.

How can ice breakers improve team meetings?

Ice breakers can improve team meetings by fostering a relaxed and open environment. They help break down barriers, encourage communication, and make team members feel more comfortable contributing ideas. This leads to more effective and collaborative meetings.

What are some good ice breakers for virtual meetings?

Good ice breakers for virtual meetings include activities like "Virtual Scavenger Hunt," where participants find and show an item from their workspace, or "Two Truths and a Lie," where each person shares two true statements and one false statement about themselves. These activities help bridge the physical distance and create a sense of connection.

What are effective ice breakers for large groups?

Effective ice breakers for large groups include activities like "Human Knot," where team members stand in a circle, hold hands with people across from them, and try to untangle themselves without letting go, or "Networking Bingo," where participants find people who match certain criteria on a bingo card.

How do you choose the right ice breaker for your meeting?

Choosing the right ice breaker depends on the group's size, the meeting's purpose, and the participants' familiarity with each other. For smaller, more intimate settings, get to know games like "Two Truths and a Lie" work well. For larger groups or formal settings, opt for structured activities like "Networking Bingo" or "Professional Bingo."

What are some humorous ice breaker ideas?

Humorous ice breaker ideas include "Caption This," where participants write funny captions for random images, and "Emoji Story," where team members describe their week using only emojis. These activities lighten the mood and encourage laughter.

Why are ice breakers important in team building?

Ice breakers are important in team building because they help create a relaxed atmosphere, build trust, and improve communication. They make it easier for team members to connect on a personal level, which enhances overall team cohesion and effectiveness.

What are some quick ice breaker games for adults?

Quick ice breaker games for adults include "Fast Introductions," where each person has 30 seconds to introduce themselves, and "One-Word Pulse Check," where participants describe their current mood or thoughts in one word. These games are fast, easy, and effective in getting everyone involved.

How do you make ice breakers inclusive for all participants?

To make ice breakers inclusive, choose activities that are accessible to everyone, regardless of their physical abilities or cultural background. Avoid topics that might make people uncomfortable and be mindful of diverse perspectives. Encourage participation without forcing anyone to share more than they’re comfortable with.

What are some simple ice breakers for new teams?

Simple ice breakers for new teams include "Personal Trivia," where everyone shares a unique fact about themselves, and "Word Association," where someone says a word and the next person says the first word that comes to mind. These activities are easy to understand and help team members get acquainted quickly.

How often should you use ice breakers in regular meetings?

Using ice breakers in regular meetings depends on the team's needs and the meeting's frequency. For weekly meetings, a brief ice breaker can help maintain a positive atmosphere and keep team members engaged. For less frequent meetings, ice breakers can help re-establish connections and set the tone for collaboration.

About the author
Maria Ledentsova
Digital Marketing Manager
Maria is a Digital Marketing Manager with a wealth of experience in the European startup ecosystem. She specialises in developing and implementing B2B and B2C marketing strategies and collaborates with graphic designers on a daily basis to make her marketing campaigns come to life.