Published on
June 14, 2024

Design & Pottery in Porto: Meet Magda Dopke

Alessandro Neri
People & Culture Manager at Magic Design

Magda is a vital part of our design team. She’s insanely creative and always full of ideas on how to make client design briefs a reality. Her background in graphic design and fine arts has paved the way for her to excel as a designer at Magic Design. Originally from Poland but now living in the beautiful city of Porto, Magda combines her design skills with a sharp eye for detail, creating truly outstanding visuals.

First, here's a little visual introduction Magda prepared for you:

Q1: Can you walk us through your professional journey before considering a role at Magic Design?

Before joining Magic Design, I worked as graphic designer in a skincare company while also doing my Bachelors in Graphic Design and Fine Arts. Meanwhile, I would do some freelance jobs once in a while.

Q2: Why did you decide to join Magic Design?

I was curious about new experiences as I’ve never worked at a Startup before. And I liked the idea from the beginning and the idea of growth while dealing with different projects, clients etc.

Then, after first conversation with Sina, one of the co-founders, I was convinced it’d be a nice working environment - I can now confirm it was the right feeling!:)

Q3: Can you share your experience during the recruitment process? Were there any specific aspects that stood out to you?

The whole process was great as I had the feeling I can ask about anything that would concern me and I find this super important. Later on, I was really happy because of the communication style even already during the trial period. That made me even more motivated to get the job and join the team!

Q4: For the Designer role, which are the most valuable soft skills that helped you in your journey?

I think that overall the characteristics that most helped me most in my career are these 4: Problem-solving, communication, creativity and time management.

Q5: Could you walk us through a typical day in your current role? What tasks and responsibilities do you find most engaging and challenging?

My typical day starts with our daily team call. After that, I most often get familiar with design briefings from our clients if there are new tasks to work on. Then I make a daily plan - to make sure I’ll have enough time to work on all the projects that are supposed to be delivered on the same day. I really enjoy it whenever I can dig into some editorial or other print related projects. I only find it challenging when I feel like there’s not enough time for it during a day!

Q6: Among our core values (Create “WOW”, Pixel Perfect, Own it, Trust & Reliability, Figure it out, Always Communicate), which ones resonate with you the most, and how do you embody these values in your work?

I’d say all of them resonate with me, but “Own it”, “Trust & Reliability” and “Always Communicate” are the ones that are the most important for me. I believe there’s much more to the final project than only how it looks so I always try my best to make sure that the projects I work on have a message they are suppose to have. In the very end, that’s the key and purpose of design. And that’s also why I ask a lot of questions (and everyone will confirm it I guess, hahah) - it’s because I always want to be confident that I understand the clients’ needs 100%!

Q7: If you were to speak to potential candidates considering joining Magic Design, what advice or insights would you share with them?

I think I’d let them know that it might be tight with deadlines sometimes, but also everything can be communicated and surely someone will help you always to manage the workload and solve any roadblocks :)

Q8: When you're not navigating the design world with Magic Design, what's a personal passion or hobby that brings balance into your routine?

Certainly any kind of sport - for now it’s been running and pilates/yoga, mixed with some climbing/bouldering workouts. Besides that, doing ceramics (pottery mostly in my case) and I’m also in love with Art in general so I also make sure to attend some cultural/art events on the weekends 🙂

About Magic Design

Magic Design is a graphic design and Webflow subscription service for growing startups and scaleups, founded in 2023 by Maximilian Fleitmann and Sina Sadegh.

Since then, we have supported over 70 brands with stunning design and Webflow projects. Our flexible and transparent model allows marketers and founders to quickly and easily get their design and Webflow tasks done in under 48 hours. Of course, this wouldn't be possible without our amazing team of senior art directors, designers, and Webflow developers.

If you want to learn more about our team, feel free to check out the rest of the Employee Stories.

Interested in joining our remote-first and innovative team? Browse our open positions!

About the author
Alessandro Neri
People & Culture Manager at Magic Design
Born and raised in my hometown Bologna in Italy, I’ve always been passionate about Technology and People, so found the perfect fit in the Human Resources field. My experience spans diverse sectors, allowing me to bring a well-rounded perspective and I’ve actively contributed to the organisational fabric of companies like Nord Security, PwC and Workmotion, fostering talent development and implementing strategic HR initiatives.